Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fate's Three: Piper, Penny & Patches

It's funny how fate works. What did Bogart say... Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine... In matters in love or in life, fate governs.

For Fate's Three, it started with a call. A Good Samaritan called the Old Fella hotline on February 8, 2010. Three puppies were picked up from a dumpster on Highway 80 and turned over to the police department.

Can they be saved? YES....in a perfect world.

The three puppies (Piper, Penny, Patches) already have an Old Fella foster home. But shortly after moving in, they began to exhibit the symptoms of Parvo.

So the answer to the question "Can they be saved?" hangs in the balance.

These three babes are under the intensive supervision of Dr. Sarah Ford at the Burke County Animal Hospital. They are receiving IV-fluids

Some puppies infected with parvovirus will die despite prompt and adequate treatment. While no extremely accurate statistics are available, a good guess is probably that 80% of puppies treated for parvovirus will live. Without treatment, probably 80% or more of the infected puppies would die. Source.

Early estimates of the cost to save these three precious souls: $800. On average, Old Fella spends $100 per dog rescued. When individual animals require more, we reach out to you to help us provide for their care.

Please consider a modest donation to Old Fella to help save Fate's Four.

**Please note, this announcement originally identified 4 puppies in need. This was a factual mistake of the author. Parker never existed. Thanks.


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Sadie & Mollie